Friday, September 3, 2010

New Home

I went to Vox today and saw the sad news.  Vox will be gone as of 9/30.  Folks are leaving fast to all sorts of different places.  I am so sad.  I feel like it like the end of school or a job when people say they will keep in touch but won't.  I teared up.  I got angry.  I shook my fist at the skycake.  I met people on Vox who have made my life better for having met them and I don't want to say goodbye.  It just sucks.
For now my new home is Blogger.  I was impressed with the price (free) and some of the features.  It seems to have many of the good features that Vox had with a couple of features that make it better.  Autosave and spam control being the most notable.  Plus it's free.  I just about spit coffee on my keyboard looking at the Typepad prices. 
*deep breath*
Here's to new beginnings!


  1. dang and dang

    I've got you bookmarked.

    I think a lot of people moved to Wordpress.
    Is free, and transfer was easy.
    I'm there, still lauowolf

    Red has a yahoo group for contact information for people here:

  2. hi karin, this is lizzy. :)
    i have accounts all over the place including here so i'm following you. i'm not sure where my new home will be though, but for now i'm signing with wordpress i think. if you want to follow me there it's

    it really sucks that they're taking vox off the map. i wasn't there all that often lately but there was a special kind of love there and so many great people.

  3. Hi Karin..
    Closing Vox broke my heart as well...but I am so glad to have you on here!
